GEI Quickstart guide
How to exploit data generated with Geeglee Engineering Pattern?
Geeglee Engineering Pattern is useful to explore the field of possibilities and find all available trade-offs (based on both your engineering know-how and on your catalogue of technical solutions, which can be existing solutions, new potential ideas, or Components Off The Shelf).
As the goal of Geeglee is not to replace humans, Geeglee is NOT deciding for you.
Geeglee Engineering Intelligence is the tool, from the Geeglee suite, to “play” with the data and decide which solution(s) is the right one for your goals (be it a solution to a specific need or a platform (product line)).
This part will let you understand how to use GEI in order to find the “right path”.
1. Structuration of your project
The organization of your work is free in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence, so you can create whichever datapage you want and as many as you need (For example: problem setting pages, problem solving pages, detailed study pages).
The next paragraph shows you an easy, quick and efficient way to structure your analysis in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence.

Example of a 4-section structure of your project
“Home” will let you have a welcome page after having opened the project (it may take a few seconds depending on how large your exploration is (ambition in your project).
“Problem setting” in which you will describe the needs your SOI has to satisfy (an extract of the black-box view of GEP)
“Problem solving” in which you will define scenarios of analysis for your problem setting (those datapages will let you capitalize on the best way to analyze it). Once again, in Geeglee we keep separate the way-to-think from the data.
“Detailed studies” in which any discipline can create its viewpoints (it can be more than one datapage per discipline).
TIPS: To maximize the Return-on-Investment, Augmented Human Intelligence must capitalize on both the “way-to-set the need” (problem setting phase, also called, in systems engineering, the black-box view) and the “Way-to-think the solution” (problem solving phase also called, in systems engineering, the white-box view). Even though, in the first step, describing the black-box view can be optional, it is highly recommended to do it (you will understand below why it’s faster to work with a top-down approa

Example of structuration from Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
Home: Welcoming and explicit first contact
We recommend integrating a homepage in the “Home” section to enable a quick understanding of the project and its objectives. The homepage is all the more important if you are planning to present or share your Geeglee Engineering Intelligence project with colleagues, experts from other sectors or even clients.
It should therefore make it possible to understand what the topic is and what the issues are at a glance.
Problem setting: Synthetic presentation of studied system(s)
The purpose of this section is to present the key elements for understanding your project, its context, objectives and expected performance criteria. It can therefore include structural parts such as the definition of the need (black-box approach).
Problem solving: Investigating data according to different modes and objectives of analysis
This section is dedicated to the definition of the modeled system and its subsystems (white-box approach), and to the construction of analysis scenarios that will facilitate system(s) exploration.
These analysis scenarios can have different objectives and approaches. For example, you can create analysis scenarios that respond to:
-the issues you regularly investigate (What is the cheapest architecture for the required performance? What are the main cost drivers? etc.),
-your customers' expectations (What cost for which architecture? What is the footprint if I choose the cheapest architecture? etc.),
-your colleagues' modes of investigation or problems (What is the potential financial profitability of developing such an architecture? Which human resources should be associated with the development of this project? etc.).
Tips: Creating analysis scenarios, should be a team effort to integrate the expertise and know-how of the participants.
Detailed studies: Components and parameters breakdown of the studied system(s)
This section presents in details the components and parameters of the studied system(s) and its subsystems, among others:
Architecture breakdown,
Discipline’s viewpoint,
Performance criteria breakdown,
Technology breakdown,
The pages created in this part will be particularly important and useful for experts who will be able to work and interpret the results in more details.
2. Enrich and detail each section
Below is an example of a detailed structuring of your project.

Example of a detailed structure of the first level of a project

Example of structuration from Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
3. Focus on the key pages and elements
In this section, we will show you how to design the key pages of your project file in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence based on one of our customer's projects. This example is the design of a drone to be sent to Mars to carry out observation and/or cargo missions.
TIPS: It’s highly recommended to add units everywhere.

Example of detailed structuration from Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
3.1. Create your “Home” - How do you get your project goal across quickly?
A good home page often includes a few key elements such as:
-A title,
-A short presentation paragraph,
-A good quality image explicitly presenting the context, the objectives or the concept,
-The logos of the stakeholders,
This page is the first contact, so it must be welcoming and explicit to facilitate understanding and also to make people want to know more about your project.

Example of a Homepage extract from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
3.2. Structuring the “Problem setting” section - What information is needed to properly contextualize your project?
In order to contextualise your project and its objectives, we recommend that you summarize:
-the context of operations (What is the situation in which your system is to be deployed?),
-the need(s) (What objective(s) should your system meet? What is it required to do?)
-the expected performance criteria (What is the basis for evaluating the satisfaction of the objective(s)?),

Example of a Problem setting page describing the context of the project, from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
Example of a Problem setting page specifying the performance criteria of the system from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence

3.3. Structuring the “Problem solving” section - How to design an analysis scenario?
You have modeled your system and its subsystems in Geeglee Engineering Pattern, now is the time to explore it!
Data mining is an exciting activity, however, one can get lost quickly, so we recommend that you build analysis scenarios. This is an example of a scenario, however, many others could be created such as :
-What is the cost of landing on Mars?
-What type of mission(s) can be achieved with the lightest drone architecture?
-What is the most robust architecture to cover the different types of missions?
To design an analysis scenario, you first need to define what you want to know, which question(s) you want to answer.
In the case of the example project, we want to know the most reliable drone architecture, so it is necessary to define several elements of context and needs to perform this analysis.

Example of a Problem solving page integrating an analysis scenario to view the most reliable architecture, from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
Firstly, it is important to choose for which type of mission we want the drone architecture to be the most reliable, as certain mission characteristics can increase the risk of reliability failure (need to be able to load, mission duration).

Example of a Problem solving page integrating an analysis scenario to view the most reliable architecture, from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
Examples of first step analysis scenario: Choose the mission to view the most reliable architecture,
from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence

We will then push the system to its limits by specifying the maximum payload mass. As the maximum payload mass can be an important factor in reliability failure, we will choose the highest mass available.

Examples of second step analysis scenario: Specify the max payload mass to view the most reliable architecture,
from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
After having chosen the mission type and selected the maximum payload mass, we will finish by setting the expected reliability under different circumstances (dust, radiation and before launch).
NB: You can see that at this stage, not all reliability levels are available. Indeed, the choices we made previously have already discarded some reliability levels, which means that if we want a higher level of reliability for certain circumstances, we will have to revise the previous choices (mission duration, maximum payload mass).

Examples of third step analysis scenario: Setting the reliability level to view the most reliable architecture, from the "Marsian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
We have chosen the type of mission, specified the maximum payload mass and set the highest level of reliability available, we can now find out which architecture to favour!

Examples of view results of the most reliable architecture,
from the "Martian Drone" project for the CNES in Geeglee Engineering Intelligence
3.4. Structuring the “Detailed studies” section - What is a “detailed study”?
A modeling and exploration of system(s) requires detailed analyses of certain parameters such as
-The architecture breakdown to study it more precisely,
-The discipline’s viewpoint so that the experts participating in the project can find their references for review,
-The performance criteria breakdowns to understand how they are obtained,
-The technology breakdown to distinguish certain results and thus arbitrate final orientations,
NB: We draw your attention to the need to prioritize the pages created in this section as you can quickly be overwhelmed by a large number of technical analysis and have difficulties in using them. We therefore recommend that you create only thematic technical pages (“Detailed studies”) and do not hesitate to create analysis scenarios (“Problem solving”) as soon as you conduct a study by navigating between several technical pages.
To have more details about good way to exploit data thanks to Geeglee Engineering Intelligence, have a look at: "Discover functionalities in videos".